Saturday, June 27

rain puddles, steps and the chicken dance

So this time around in parenting (remember my husband and I have a 26, almost 12 and a 9 year-old and now a 16 month-old too), I am stopping a bit more to enjoy little moments that to others might seem insignificant but to me it’s a gift.
The other day she unceremoniously stepped off a small cement step all by herself.  She usually turns around and scoots safely backwards off the step or holds my hand while I help her carefully step down. I nudged my husband to look at our little girl and we praised her new skill. A list that continues to grow each day. I feel so blessed to be a part of her life and that I can be home to raise her.

This girl is such a joy in our lives. She makes us laugh, grow, smile, hug more, sing more and dance more! She loves music and knows the sign for music. We taught her to sign music because she kept going over to the computer keyboard and trying to turn the music on herself. Her favorite song is Greater by Mercy Me! It has great words and is a great dancing song too! She also loves The Chicken Dance, as well, which her grandmother introduced her to!
She keeps us busy but a good busy and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Here is a picture of her running in rain puddles for the first time! She was thrilled and fascinated! She did this continually for fifteen minutes. She didn’t want to go inside. What a blessing!

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