Wow! 2015 is right around the corner and I can’t believe it!
This year has flown by so quickly and it’s been crazy busy but crazy fun too!
My little girl is eleven-months-old today!
Eleven months! She is such a delight and joy in our home and our hearts!
So the house has exploded with baby stuff: a diaper pail, changing
pads, tiny pink clothes, a highchair, a tub, strollers, toys, books, gates,
teething rings, spoons, bowls, bibs and bows! Bows…that’s a first for us! It’s
crazy as I step over this stuff and I have to laugh as I remind myself this too
shall pass! I’ve already passed along the play mat, swing, bouncy seat and all
the clothes under six months!
This little girl is a sweetie! She is a very happy girl! She
loves her daddy and her brothers! I am like a baby magnet…when she sees me she automatically
smiles and crawls towards me! It’s so cute! She is a very strong and determined
wee one! I’ve been so fortunate that she has been very healthy, except for the
colic (which was gone early on), she has had a couple colds and that’s it!
Praise the Lord!
She is holding on to things while walking but hasn’t taken
those first solo steps yet! Soon, very, soon! She babbles, smiles, laughs,
giggles, dances and loves to play hide and seek! She loves daddy playing the
piano, playing with her brothers, reading books and listening to Baby Einstein
music! She recently learned how to point and wave bye-bye and loves to show off
her new talents!
My two youngest boys have been a HUGE help! They have moved
into this big brother role so smoothly! They play with her, help me when she is
fussy, or watch her when I need throw in a load of laundry! They are so gentle
with her! She looks for them first thing when she gets up in the morning! My
oldest comes up as often as he can so they can bond. And they Facetime as much as they can too! She
absolutely loves her oldest brother!
We can’t help but fall in love with her more and more each
week! We feel so blessed!
I am excited for what this next year has in store for us!
I hope that this New Year is filled with adventure, joys and
blessing for you!!
Blessing to you all!